Between The Sheets With Kitty [Episode 1]

3 min read

Between The Sheets With Kitty [Episode 1]

Posted by Kitty, QZ Customer Experience Manager

I have a confession to make…

I love my husband. A lot. We have been married since the 1900s. But, honestly…I have been fantasizing a lot lately.

Recently, I acted on this fantasy, and made it come true. with a purchase of a……..NEW WAY DUVET COVER!

You most likely thought I was going to give you something Bridgerton-like and juicy. But, in this dream, I’m sleeping next to my sexy husband (of 31 years) and we are each reveling in comfort – the perfect-temperature, cozy, cotton, cocoon….  No cover battles. No pulling, shoving, kicking or cursing.  He’s cold. He’s hot. I’m hot. He’s not. No problem!  I am sleeping under down, and since he’s allergic to duck feathers he is nestled under the down alternative.   I am sleeping through the night snuggled in with all my covers – none pulled off or hoarded by my (aforementioned) perfect husband. Imagine – sleep bliss! 

The secret is - we each have our own bedding set up! Each of our duvet covers are twin size, and measure 64 x 90.” One can use any kind of comforter inside a duvet cover. It can be a QuickZip offering…or any blanket you already have. In summertime, you may not even want a comforter inside…it’ll be like having a cool, double-layer sheet over your body. As a side note, my young adult son uses a weighted blanket inside of his duvet cover.

Duvet covers have been less popular in the US than in other parts of the world, so if you haven’t used one before, here’s the skinny: It is basically an envelope for your comforter - people love them because they can be washed and dried easily like other bedding pieces and are usually made of the same fabrics as the rest of your set, and the type of comforter/fill can also be changed with the seasons.  The duvet cover was reportedly first used in China around 3000 BC, however, it wasn’t until the early 18th century that this form of bedding became popular in European countries like Germany, Sweden and Norway.

Having lived in Germany for a couple of years, I fell in love with using a duvet cover. But, I was always under the impression that it was best used with a split bed configuration. NOT TRUE!! We sleep on a Tempurpedic queen mattress. It’s 80 x 60”, and it’s about 13” deep.(Being in the sheet biz, I feel like it’s a requirement to provide all the details!)

 …and it now has 2 twin/twin xL duvet covers on it.

I’ve used duvet covers in the past, and generally putting a blanket inside of them was somewhat of a gymnastics floor routine move for me. I had to turn the duvet cover inside out and lay it on my floor. Then I had to place my blanket corner to corner and then lift everything together, shaking it overhead until everything right sided itself. And, I was exhausted.  And it never stayed in place once I finally got it there anyway.

With the QZ New Way Duvet Cover, putting a blanket or comforter inside is more of a leisurely activity, no shaking, no dancing and no twisting is ever necessary (please see the link below to watch a cool video of how we do this). Plus this genius invention of tied in comforter clips assures you that the blanket will stay in there. And, naturally the zipper closes everything in neatly and nicely…and you can forget about using a flat sheet! You won’t need it anymore with a duvet cover that is so easy to change and made of the same great washable cottons as all our bedding.  

If you are using a QZ duvet cover…send me a photo of your set up and some comments, I’d love to hear from you! Or you can hit us up on our FB page or Instagram.

           Facebook: QuickZipSheet

           Instagram: @QuickZip

Thanks for reading! I’m Kitty. I am part of QuickZip’s Customer Experience Team. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

I’ve provided some links to learn more about our New Way Duvet Cover. 


Shop QuickZip New-Way Duvet Covers

Video of how the New Way Duvet works

QuickZip’s Innovative Fitted Sheet Collection