Crib Sheets Designed for Parents and A Perfect Fit For Your Little One

3 min read

Crib Sheets Designed for Parents and A Perfect Fit For Your Little One

Contributor: Ashley Caston

 Nothing will help you and your baby sleep better than QuickZip's soft, luscious crib sheets. This Denver startup has engineered a 2-piece fitted crib sheet that is quick to change, easy to fold, and won't pop off, creating a safer and more comfortable sleeping environment for your newest member of the family and less hassle for you.


  1. QuickZip Sheets stay put.  

 Your baby spends up to 15 hours per day sleeping, so creating a comfortable environment is critical. QuickZip sheets are engineered to stay smooth and secure.  The crib fitted base wraps all the way around the bottom of the mattress, fully enclosing it so the sheet can't pop off. The base remains snug around the sides of the mattress and NEVER need to be removed (but can be easily removed and replaced for occasional cleaning). The zip sheet then zips on and off for quick, easy changes. The zipper pull tucks away and out of sight where even the smartest babies can’t find it.    

  1.  Saves Time & Eliminates Stress

 Forget the stress when your little bundle of joy has an accident at 2am. All you must do is simply zip the dirty sheet off the base and zip the clean one on. Imagine taking only seconds to change the sheets! You can also opt for one of QuickZip's waterproof mattress pads. The flat mattress pad fits under the sheet and stays in place. When you are ready to wash it, you simply pull it off the mattress, wash it, place it back on the mattress and zip on your sheet- without lifting up your mattress.What’s more, their extremely durable, high-quality zipper with an extended zipper pull makes it easy to zip the sheet on and off. Now you get to be a well-rested parent.  

  1. Customer Service & Return Policy

QuickZip Sheet offers beautiful, gift wrapping with a charming hand-written note  Shipping and returns within 60 days are also free. Their products also include a 100% Happiness Guarantee.  

I recommend buying the 3-packwhich includes 1 base and 3 zip-on sheets. The deluxe baby starter pack also includes 2 flat water proof mattress pads, which parents have deemed a Must-Have! 

     4. Not just for Babies!

QuickZip sheets come in a full range of mattress sizes, so everyone can spend less time making their beds and more time sleeping like a baby.  

Testimonials: Here’s What Some More of QuickZip Customers Have to Say!

“I wanted to thank you, The QuickZip® sheets are every parent's dream. No mother should ever have to wrestle with a crib mattress again!” (Sarah, New York)


“This is the fourth set of sheets I've bought from QuickZip - two for me and two for friends. I recommend these to every new mom, too! … Thanks for making such a great, innovative product that truly makes my life easier!”  (Jill, Pennsylvania)


“Ever since discovering these sheets, I have bought them as a baby shower gift for every pregnant friend/family member and they have thanked me later. It is genius!” (Susan, LA)


“We were given QuickZip® Sheets when our son was born. I had no idea what a fantastic gift it was until I tried changing regular crib sheets. We gave all of the regular fitted sheets away and only use QuickZip®. Thanks so much for a quality product!”  (David, New York) 

Try it. Love it. Or your money back.


Ashley Caston:

Millennial, Quick Zip Tester and Sleeper