The Flex Top is Here!

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The Flex Top is Here!


QuickZip Fitted Sheets for Flex Top King Mattresses: A Match Made in Bedding Heaven 🛌

Do you ever feel like there's more drama in your bedroom than in an entire season of a reality TV show? No, we're not talking about that kind of drama. We're talking about the wrestling, the tugging, and the countless moments when you've declared a state of emergency because your traditional sheet has decided to go rogue on your flex top king adjustable mattress.

Enter QuickZip sheets, ready to save the day... and your sanity.



This product builds on all the things you already love about QuickZip - you can fall into the most comfortable bed of your life and sleep like a baby - all without the hassle and frustrations of traditional fitted sheets.  Our fitted sheets are two pieces - a base that stays on the mattress -and won’t pop off! - and a zip sheet that zips off and on to change.  (Don’t worry - they are open on the bottom and slip over the mattress corners like a traditional fitted sheet the first time, and after that, simply zip off and on.)

Once we started getting requests for fitted sheets for flex top, a mattress style that continues to grow in popularity, we dug in and listened to the challenges. We realized this mattress - which provides the perfect answer for many people with its independently moving head portions  - is even harder to change, heavier and more unwieldy than all the others. One QZ customer actually got rid of her flex top, though they loved the mattress, because of the challenges created by the fitted sheet: getting them on, getting them to stay on- especially when adjusting up and down - dreading sheet change day, and, of course, folding them.     With six corners, just orienting the sheet correctly was the first challenge.  Once that was solved, reaching into the center of the mattress and getting the elastic seated around each top portion and down between the halves so that it would stay in place while you put on the other corners was the next battle.  Worst of all, once the sheet was finally on and you raise the head to the perfect sleep, read, or TV position - the sheet popped off at one of the corners.  .  

Knowing that customers love QuickZip fitted sheets for their adjustable beds, we knew we could solve this challenge, too.  We optimized  the zipper design, considered how the base could work best at the hinge point, and tested numerous samples on and off the mattress (one of our testers refused to give his up!).  And now it’s here!

Fits Standard American Flex Top King size of 76x80 inches with a split length of 34 inches.  The sheet has two zippers, starting at the center foot of your bed so they are easily accessible.  

SHOP Flex Top Fitted Sheets

Pro Tip:  Goes on easily - even the first time! After that, simply zip off and on.